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Year 3

Welcome to Year Three!

In Year Three at Priory Rise School, we pride ourselves on our varied and exciting curriculum which uses themes to establish connections between different areas of learning. Some of the themes we cover include: The Romans, The Pebble in my Pocket, The Vikings, our Local Environment and Europe. Where possible, we will explore these across all curriculum areas including Art, DT and Music.

See below to see what your child will be learning this half term.

Our students experience the best in quality first teaching from their class teacher and PE coaches.

English is taught daily with specific emphasis on reading and writing a wide range of genres across the course of the year. Reading is celebrated with a wide range of quality texts accessed each week in small groups to support understanding of accessing shorter pieces of text from different genres. VIPERS are used to support children in understanding the aspects of reading.

Click the links below to support your child in reading by asking quality VIPER questions, and for a list of recommended reads for Year 3 children.  Remember to look out for further recommendations in our half termly newsletter. 



Writing is taught by sharing quality texts as a model. Through shared and guided writing, we model the thought processes of a writer and then allow time for the children to put these skills into practice. Children experience a range of stimuli that inspire them to write including stories, drama, film and television, poetry and news items. Handwriting and spelling, grammar and punctuation are taught in weekly sessions.  It is an expectation that all children will know how to spell at least 40% of the Year 3/4 common exception words before the end of the school year.





Mathematics is taught every day. Mathematics themes in Year Three include: place value, four operations, measures, shape, fractions, time and statistics. Each day, additional time is spent in Year Three ensuring children have fluency of mathematics. This enables children time to practise key arithmetic skills, improving their accuracy and understanding. Below we have included the current written methods and how we approach the four operations.




Throughout the year, lots of enrichment opportunities are offered within the curriculum. Children enjoy celebrating World Book Day, Roman Day and the highlight of our year, the Year 3 sleepover!

Wherever possible, visitors are invited to talk to the children about their life experiences. This may be to share cultural or religious beliefs, to provide children with an insight into different careers or to shed more light on a particular area of the curriculum.

Please click on the link below to view the enrichment opportunities on offer for the children this year.


We consider homework to be a vital tool to extend and consolidate our learning. Each half term children will have the opportunity to complete a Homework Bingo. This will include a range of learning opportunities related to our topics across the curriculum.

How to support your child at home.


Please click here for more ideas on how to support your child at home.

Other useful information...


PE will be on the following days, please make sure you have your kit!

Browne: Wednesday

Pullman: Wednesday

Morpurgo: Wednesday

