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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five!

In Year Five, we offer an extremely rich curriculum, filled with lots of different extracurricular activities for our children.

Where possible, learning takes place through a thematic approach, making cross curricular links, to fully immerse children in their learning. For example, we study the Ancient Egyptians, where History meets English through myths and legends.  In our Geography River unit, we explore our local environment and compare our local river with rivers nationally and make comparisons with the River Nile.

To see what your child will be learning this term please click on the links below:





Our students receive quality first teaching from their class teacher in addition to a specialised music teacher and PE coaches.


English is taught daily with specific emphasis on reading and writing a wide range of genres during the course of the year. Reading is celebrated with a variety of quality texts accessed each week in small groups as well as comprehension lessons to support understanding of accessing shorter pieces of text from different genres. VIPERS are used to support children in understanding the aspects of reading. Click here to support your child in reading by asking quality VIPER questions:


Writing is taught by sharing quality texts as a model, shared and guided writing to model the thought processes writing and editing, followed by independent opportunities to put these skills into practice. Children experience a range of stimuli that inspire them to write including stories, drama, film, TV programmes, poetry and news items.

Handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation are taught in weekly sessions.

Writing assessment for Year 5, spelling lists for Year 3/4, spelling lists for Year 5/6 are available in the links below:





Mathematics is taught every day. Mathematics themes in Year 5 include: place value, four operations, measures, coordinates, fractions, decimals and percentages and statistics.

Within each day, children will also be given time to practise key arithmetic skills to promote fluency within calculation, enabling children to use formal written methods confidently and efficiently.  This is often referred to as ’10 minute maths.’

Below we have included the current written methods and how we approach the four operations:




Throughout the year, lots of enrichment opportunities are offered within the curriculum. Where possible, we offer visits and experiences that link to our topics to enrich our learning. In addition to this, children will also have the opportunity to take part in the Bikeability training and will also receive swimming lessons for a term.

In the summer term, the Year Five pupils are also given the opportunity to take part in the residential visit to Irthlingborough Frontier Centre. Here, the children are given the chance to take part in adventurous activities such as abseiling, high ropes and canoeing as well as learning some key skills and independence by being away from home.

Wherever possible, visitors are invited to talk to the children about their life experiences. This may be to share cultural or religious beliefs, to provide children with an insight into different careers or to shed more light on a particular area of the curriculum.

Please click on the link below to view the enrichment opportunities on offer for the children this year.


Other useful information...


PE will be on the following days.  Please make sure your child is wearing their PE kit on these days!

Blackman - Monday and Friday (Swimming: 15th November 2024 - 24th January 2025)

Rowling - Monday and Friday (Swimming: 13th September 2024 - 8th November 2024)

Balen - Monday and Friday (Swimming: 31st January 2025 - 4th April 2025)

* Swimming: 25th April 2025 onwards - Children who are unable to swim 25 meters will continue with swimming lessons.

Library Times

Blackman: Friday

Rowling: Thursday

Balen: Friday






Homework is an important part of life in Year Five and it is expected that the weekly tasks will be completed to a high standard, and returned on time.

In order to support parents and children in accessing their homework, the homework can be found on Google Classroom each Monday.  A hard copy of the homework is also available.  In addition, the Year Five team offer support at homework club one lunch time per week, where children can complete their homework task and receive support from a teacher if necessary.

How to support your child in Year 5.

Please click here for ideas on how to support your child at home.