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The aim at Priory Rise School is that all children will achieve their full potential both academically and socially.

Quality first teaching is paramount to ensure we fulfil this aim for our children.

For some children, however, it is necessary to provide additional support and/or resources to enable them to achieve their targets in school and to reach their full potential.

This information has been provided to answer questions you may have about the Special Educational Needs (SEN) support that is being provided to help your child in school.

The SEN Team – Roles & Responsibilities

  • Mrs Vickie Snell - SENCo
  • Mrs Claire Kalek - SENCo

If you need to contact the SEN Team, they have a dedicated email address:

The SEN team ensure that, as a school, we are following the Code of Practice as well as ensuring all practice in school is in line with our Special Educational Needs Policy:


The SEN team will regularly liaise with staff to ensure that children are given the most appropriate support/resources for their individual needs. An extensive part of the SEN team role is to work closely with external agencies (see section below) to gain specialist advice and support for individual children. They also ensure any requests for information on individual children are passed onto the relevant agencies and that parents are kept fully informed of this.

Miss Lucy Ashby – Learning Mentor for Key Stage 1

Mrs Emma Pocock – Learning Mentor for Key Stage 2

Our highly experienced Learning Mentors provide support and intervention to key children and play a significant role in identifying any children with social or emotional needs. Our Learning Mentors support the induction of new children and are often the first point of contact for parents and other professionals for our new children. Our Learning Mentors provide individual and group support and also works directly with parents.

Miss Ashby and Mrs Pocock play a valuable role in supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs.

Glossary of Most Used SEND Terms

One of the biggest barriers to working together is how we communicate.

There are many terms that are abbreviated which can lead to confusion.

Please see below for a full break down of some of the terms that may be used in relation to Special Educational Needs.

  • ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
  • ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
  • ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • BESD Behavioural Emotional & Social Difficulties
  • BSS Behaviour Support Service
  • CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • COP Code of Practice
  • CP Child Protection
  • DCD Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
  • EP Educational Psychologist
  • FS Foundation Stage
  • FSM Free School Meals
  • HI Hearing Impairment
  • IEP Individual Education Plan
  • KS Key Stage
  • LAC Looked After Child
  • LEA Local Education Authority
  • MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
  • NC National Curriculum
  • OT Occupational Therapist
  • SaLT Speech & Language Therapy
  • SENDIS Special Educational Needs & Disability Inclusion Service
  • SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
  • SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty
  • VI Visual Impairment

Information on the Milton Keynes SEND Local Offer can be found here.