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Admission and sessions

Defined area

The defined area for the nursery is the same as the school, Tattenhoe Park and South Kingsmead. We have two ‘secondary’ defined areas – North Kingsmead and Tattenhoe.  If there are vacancies in the nursery then children living outside these areas will be admitted.  


The normal admission point will be September each year.

  • Priority will be given to children who will be four during that school year.
  • Where there are vacant places, these will be allocated during the year to eligible children in line with the criteria shown above.
  • Where the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places during the year, priority will be given to older children, allocating places in date of birth order within the cohort.
  • Younger children will be admitted in the term following their third birthday if there are vacancies during the year.

Please refer to the whole school Admissions Policy for details regarding the oversubscription criteria, this can be found here.

There is no right to appeal if it is not possible to offer a place in the nursery. The school will hold a waiting list and parents must confirm with the school that they wish their child’s name to be put on the waiting list.

Please note: Attendance at the nursery does not give priority to admission to the school.

Session Times

 Morning Session:  8.50am to 11.50am

Afternoon Session:  12.20pm to 3.20pm

All Day Extended Care:  8.50am to 3.20pm

Who can apply for a place at our nursery?

Our wonderful nursery is organised into morning and afternoon sessions, 5 days a week catering for 3 and 4 year olds. Your child may start at our nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday and stay until they start the Reception year of school. Children of this age are automatically entitled to 15 hours per week childcare funded by the government.

We offer these sessions as five morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. In addition, we offer a limited number of extended care places, these are subject to availability. Currently, we offer 16 morning and 16 afternoon places, and 26 all day extended care places (changes subject to demand).

The nursery is open term time only. Term dates can be found in the Parents Tab. If you would like to enquire about a place at Priory Rise nursery for your child or be added to the waiting list for next year, please register your interest and session preference with the school office.